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How to Work with Acrylic Mirror Sheets

Written by MS
13/09/2021 10:00:48

How to Work with Acrylic Mirror Sheets

If you’re looking to add more mirrors to your home or replace traditional glass ones, then it’s worth giving acrylic mirror sheets a try. Though the characteristics of these two materials differ, glass and plastic mirrors look identical - in fact, you may already have some acrylic mirrors in your home, and you just don’t know it yet!
In this blog, from The Plastic People, we are going to cover the ins and outs of acrylic mirror sheets, including their benefits over glass, the installation process, and how to keep your plastic mirrors clean. 
One of the major perks of an acrylic mirror is that it can be cut to any size or shape! We supply a range of made to measure plastic and deliver across the UK. To get an instant quote on your plastic mirror today, head to our website or click here. 
Why Acrylic Mirrors?
Before we get into the nitty-gritty of what it’s like to work with and maintain acrylic mirrors, we are going to take a look at some of the characteristics that give these plastic panels an edge over glass. 
  • Durability: Acrylic mirrors are 17 times stronger than fragile glass, and so they are easier to transport, work with, and install. 
  • Shatterproof: As well as being stronger than glass, acrylic is also shatterproof. While glass breaks into lots of small, sharp fragments when it shatters, acrylic snaps into larger, dull pieces. It is, therefore, a safer material and one on which you are less likely to cut yourself. 
  • Lightweight: In general, acrylic plastic is about half the weight of glass. This makes acrylic mirrors cheaper to transport and easier to install around your house. This is particularly useful when it comes to large and bespoke mirrors that would be too heavy to place on many home walls if they were made of glass. 
  • Child-safe: Our acrylic mirrors are hygienic and incredibly safe to use around children. As we have already mentioned, acrylic is a shatterproof material, and so your young friends will not hurt themselves on plastic mirrors. Acrylic can also be easily wiped clean with warm, soapy water, eliminating harmful bacteria. 
  • Outdoor use: We are used to positioning mirrors all around the house for both practical and decorative purposes, but acrylic mirrors can also be placed outside and in the garden. A garden mirror can help bounce light around a small space to make it feel bigger and brighter. Click here to find out more about garden mirrors. 
Installing Acrylic Mirror Sheets
Acrylic mirrors are available in any size or shape, but it’s worth keeping a few things in mind when choosing yours:
  • Budget: Acrylic mirrors are cheaper than glass when purchasing larger quantities of the material, but you should always keep your budget in mind. 
  • Thickness: Glass is a more rigid material than acrylic and so will not warp or bend. To avoid your acrylic mirror becoming misshapen, we recommend a thickness of 5mm. 
When it comes to installation, the process is fairly easy. To ensure your acrylic mirror sheet does not warp or bend, you can glue it to a hard, solid surface, such as a piece of scrap wood. This will give the mirror the support it needs to retain its shape over time. 
Make sure you use a tried and tested plastic adhesive if gluing acrylic to any surface - this will ensure that the contact is strong between the two materials. We recommend using Evo-Stik Acrylic Mirror adhesive, which can be bought from our website - just click here
You can place your acrylic mirror sheet in a frame, or leave it completely bare on the wall - it’s up to you! Customers in the past have even stuck acrylic mirror panels to the top of a table, creating a contemporary and reflective surface. 
Cleaning Acrylic Mirrors
It’s always worth taking the time to maintain your acrylic products as this will ensure a long life span and true reflection. The process for cleaning an acrylic mirror is much the same as that for cleaning acrylic panels, sheets, and glazing. 
  • Begin by dusting the mirror - remove any lint, dirt or other debris from the mirror to ensure these items do not scratch or stain the surface. You can use a microfiber cloth for this. 
  • Wash the mirror with warm, soapy water - make sure to use only a mild detergent as strong chemicals can discolour acrylic. We recommend using a sponge or microfiber cloth again to keep the surface scratch-free
  • Wipe dry with a clean cloth - this helps remove any streaks on the surface and will leave your acrylic mirror looking brand new! 
Any scratches on the surface can be removed from acrylic using a plastic polish such as VuPlex. If you have deeper scratches, you can check out our guide on removing them from plastic by clicking here. 
Further Help
Our team of plastic experts are always on hand to offer extra advice! They can be reached by email at [email protected], or you can contact them via our website - click here
If you have been convinced to get your own acrylic mirror, you can get an instant quote today through our website. Click here to find out more and make your purchase!
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